Hi,Prime SoloAds has just launched and is going to change the way you promote.
Their Pay As You Go System make it different from any other solo site
and will Save you BIG Money because you only PAY for what you USE, nothing more!
A quick view of our Features.Some of them make Prime SoloAds
nothing less than extraordinary:
One single signup
One Click Submission
Prime SoloAds is really simple to use
High Average of Visits!
Absolute UNIQUE Visitors
Unused Credits Refund System
Auto re-send Feature available
Super Banner Autosend Free Bonus
Prime Solo Footer Ads
Generous Commissions up to 40%
Every Prime Solo mail is guaranteed to bring you ABSOLUTE UNIQUE VISITORS EVERY TIME!
ABSOLUTE UNIQUE VISITORS means really 1 Visitor per IP in the lifespan of each solo ad!
All the visits that you will receive come from MEMBERS subscribed to our sites;
real people, real readers, real unique visitors.
How it Works
You can start sending with a bunch of credits but YOU GET ALL UNUSED CREDITS BACK
to your PSA Account. Only one Credit per ABSOLUTE UNIQUE VISITOR is charged so
you will ONLY SPEND 1 Credit for each person who visit your Ad!
Their Cost Effective System will Save you Time and Money because you only PAY the CREDITS
that you effectively USE to get REAL UNIQUE VISITORS, nothing more!
So if you think it is time to save Time and Money on your solo ad promotion how about a change for the better?
Join Today!
Randall Kaster
Click the link to receive 10 credits
make money with Home Biz Joe |
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